Monday, September 30, 2024

Writing - Celebrity or not?

I have made my attitude towards celebrity before but last week I was delighted to read about someone I would say is a 'proper' celeb. 

Keanu Reeves 

Keanu Charles Reeves is a Canadian actor and musician. He is the recipient of numerous accolades in a career on screen spanning four decades. In 2020, The New York Times ranked him as the fourth-greatest actor of the 21st century, and in 2022 Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. 

His father left him when he was 3, his daughter died at 8 months, his wife died in a car accident, his best friend died of an overdose. And through it all, he never lost his shine, his world never fell apart. While filming the movie “The Lake House”, he overheard the conversation between two costume assistants, and one woman cried because she would lose her house if she didn’t pay $20,000 He transferred the money to her account. On his birthday in 2010 he went to a bakery alone and bought himself a cupcake with a single candle. While he was eating out, he offered free coffee and bread to all customers. This was his lavish birthday. With what he made from the Matrix trilogy, he distributed $50 million to the special effects team because he believed they were the real heroes of the movies. He almost never used stuntmen, except for very special things, and that’s why he recognized the work of his stuntmen by gifting each of them a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. To this day he regularly uses the subway and other public transport like the bus when necessary because it is the most practical thing, and he is never ashamed. A large number of hospitals claim to have received tens of millions of dollars from him. He donated 90% of his salary to some movies so the production could hire other stars. In 1997, a paparazzi found him on the street, sitting next to a homeless man, listening to the homeless man’s story and having breakfast with him. All the good we know about Keanu Reeves, he didn’t tell us himself but those who benefited from him. He never said anything about it. For all that he’s been through, he could have had a sadder and more pessimistic outlook on life, but despite everything, he’s chosen to do some good. Great role model for many wealthy people.

God Bless


Friday, September 27, 2024

Writing - Thank you Maggie

 Dame Maggie Smith died 27/09/2024 aged 89 years. 

Maggie Smith 

Royalty of stage and screen, 

an amazingly talented acting queen, 

she entertained millions throughout my journey, 

in a myriad of roles with consummate ability. 

Exhibiting acerbic wit and even magical powers, 

Maggie entertained us for hours and hours, 

but now her earthly journey is done, 

we will be subjected to hours of fun, 

watching reruns of films she has done.

©David L Atkinson September 2024

God Bless 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Poetry Thursday 59 - Them

 We are not an island. The human animal is a social creature but nevertheless still a biological entity that is not above any other creature but part of the biosphere that is our Earth. 



Why do we stare at screens,

watch shows with thousands of scenes,

read books with super stories,

depicting a myriad of human glories?

And crave more of the same,

similar takes with similar name.


It’s all because of them,

providing a sparkle, making a gem,

magnetic relationships are the draw,

encouraging us to beg for more.


From their very youngest member,

from January to December,

the way they spend time united,

with unknowable light touch delighted.

as strong as a spider’s gossamer,

and warm as the sun in summer.

Capable of actions with dazzling magic,

but with outcomes that can be tragic,

every scene written or filmed a gem,

all about interactions between them.

©David L Atkinson September 2024 

God Bless 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Writing - Tag ons

 I enjoy stories, both reading them and writing them, and mostly because of the relationships between the characters. As I have aged, unlike a good wine, I have become less smooth and palatable and more acidic and sharp. It has come to my notice that the writers of modern stories are responding to the demands of publishers and agents. Hence, you have stories created with current issues tagged on as extras. It can be spotted quite easily because of the 'jar'. This is to enable the writer to achieve or remain successful. 


A great cast and the story of a boy found dead on the local beach was strong, however, what jarred for me was the 'extra bits' introduced to keep the story up-to-date. The reason they jar is because they don't belong. 

Steele is drawn into a situation involving DCI K Best and then a threat to the Royal family. added to this echoes of his past and we have a story filled with questions.
The story takes place wholly within the British Isles and involves a minor member of the Royal family but was she the target or was she bait?
Has Steele met his match on this occasion?
Who is behind the plot?

Amazon were advertising this, my most recent Steele novel, this weekend and without revealing any spoilers, where Patrick Steele is and what happens has developed as part of his life over 11 earlier novels. Whether you are writing one story or several be true to your characters and not the demands of greedy sales staff. 

Put your story in the hands of your main protagonists, you created them and need to trust they will lead you right. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Poetry Thursday 58 - A.R.K.

 Simple small acts of thoughtfulness can be a powerful way to improving someone's day. One of my favourite actors is Morgan Freeman even though he's often seen playing God or the President. In one of the former roles he talks about changing the world with single acts of random kindness. I was the recipient of one such small act and two weeks on I still have the good feeling in my heart and mind. 



A single act of random kindness,

sits happily in the memory.

An encouragement to be equally generous,

sharing the good with appropriate puffery.


A simple deed, a gentle touch,

a smile that warms, a helping hand.

A listening ear, a notional crutch,

the hope that makes the heart expand.


For in these acts, both big and small,
we weave a tapestry for all.
a world where love and hope entwine,
in every heart, a light will shine.

©David L Atkinson September 2024 

God Bless 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Poetry Thursday 57 - Idle Idols

I am concerned about the path that the human race is taking in attitudes towards people in comparison to attitudes towards 'things'. This is also signalled by the glorification of people for quite spurious reasons. For example, people who have a bright idea, publicise it on the internet which then attracts advertising and considerable income. In itself not a bad thing but then to 'worship' them as icons is a worry. 

Insidious Idols


We used to be told not to worship false gods,

as society has developed - well what are the odds,

probably because of the deprivations of war,

deifying what we could make or what we saw.


Could explain the growth of pop music,

and the need to see oneself as authentic,

the age of free love and flower power,

and the tendency to live hour by hour.


It wasn’t long before the whole nation was changed,

a country altered in a matriarchal exchange,

rewarding disciples of fiscal manipulation,

signalled by shiny, artefact acquisition.


A deity that pertains forty years on,

order weakened by what it’s dependent upon,

worship of money, holidays and technology,

weakening the stuff that underpins society.


Nothing will improve until idols are burned,

and the love of humanity is again returned,

we’re in a fight to change human perspective,

to deny the need for the shiny elective.

©David L Atkinson September 2024 

God Bless 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Writing - Atmospheres

 Writers hope to create stories that make you feel something. There are several methods used to achieve that end such as relationships or disasters but one less obvious skill is the creation of an atmosphere. Stephen King, for example, is one such master as is Charles Dickens and George Orwell. The mastery in their works comes from the building of the atmosphere in which the action is interwoven or underpinned. 

In Grace and Favour I began building atmosphere with an idea for the cover and was familiar with a derelict house that I'd played near as a child. I took the above photo of that place and used it as you see. Derelict buildings can 'say' so many things and only one of them is about ghosts. In fact it is a tool engaged in many facets of fantasy writing but may be used to hide the entrance to ... well its up to you! 

Five things: creating an atmosphere in your writing
  1. Use sensory detail. All five senses – sight, sound, touch, smell and taste – can be effective in creating a strong atmosphere. ...
  2. Hold an image or word in your head as you write. ...
  3. Inhabit your imaginary world in your daily life. ...
  4. Limit your imagery. ...
  5. Focus on the language.

The ideas above come from researching the idea of atmosphere on Google. There are some who write huge amounts on the subject but I prefer a more succinct approach and as there are hundreds of variations on the theme I chose the framework that I would happily use. 

In fact the third point is one I've used in the building of my characters and then following their lead through the actions in their story. This may seem slightly barmy but better writers than me have described similar approaches. Ian Rankin in the Rebus stories for example. 

The further you develop your characters the more 'real' they can become and as such you know the atmospheres they will react well in and those in which they may flounder. 

The link below is to my books on Amazon. 

A man is found dead in the massive Kielder Forest in Northumberland and the initial reports suggest suicide.

The above sentence comes from the blurb on the above book and if you sit quietly and consider what it is saying there is a plethora of information held within. 

Kielder is one of the most remote places in England. 
'Suggests suicide' raises questions of authority mishandling. 
You could speculate forever and that is what I would like my readers to do. 

God Bless

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Poetry Thursday - 56 - Septembers

 People often talk about favourite seasons or months. Poets often write about the seasons and that isn't surprising as in the world UK citizens are renowned for talking about the weather. Who am I to break a well-established trend? 

To September


The queen of months that rules the year,

slowing progress and protecting life,

as nature engages a cooler period,

from cold that strikes like a knife.


Misty mornings and balmy days,

as the sun retreats below halfway,

people unsure over what to wear,

plants and animals know how to sway.


Readying the country for winter’s rest,

first a busy month of fruitfulness,

life delivering bountiful largesse,

but she dies dissipating all stress.


And so the time of harvest comes,

nature's gently falling asleep,

dozing to restore energy levels,

girding her loins her promises to keep.

©David L Atkinson September 2024 

Other September


On the other hand September’s not cool,

all the bairns must gan back to school,

what’s worse the weather has got better,

could August have been any wetter?


In the garden there is a surge of growth,

dad’s vegetables and weeds both,

takes hours to wash hands of soil,

after back breaking hours of toil.


The next thing we’ll have to do is harvest,

fruit and veg at their very shiny best,

thorns and prickles ripping at skin,

a punnet to put juicy blackberries in.


In thirty days it’ll all be ower,

for another year not to be seen,

Christmas is coming and that’ll be canny,

but first a pumpkin for Halloween.

©David L Atkinson September 2024 

God Bless 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Writing - Seasonal stuff

 It may seem an odd topic in September in the UK when really it is a quiet month unless you are a school aged child. After the long summer break only parents tend celebrate! However, writers' season tends to be 24/7 everyday of the year. 

We don't need Halloween, Christmas or Valentine's Day to put pen to paper, but perhaps some feel that they have a duty to produce something on those occasions, I know that I have felt the compulsion. In fact, every day is a gift. 

It's not quite harvest time but in the past, around six weeks from now, there is blackberry week and as children we used to go tatie picking. One of the things I remember about that time was the wildlife, mostly of the insect variety, and associated predators. It made me think about habitats. 

There is a plethora of writing material on habitats, global warming and the affects of human activity. Then there is also the simple fact of September which has been written about by the great and the good, as well as yours truly. 

To give an edge remember the words of John Keats from over 200 years ago. 

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

God Bless 

Writing - 14th October

  The history of the date is quite significant from several occurrences going back as far as 1066. The Norman conquest began way back then o...