Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Poetry Thursday 78 - OM

Occasionally, it is good to allow the imagination free reign. It can lead to a less than perfect end result when unfettered but the raw outcome is rewarding. 




The orange menace rode in on gilded howdah,

a rich pachyderm supporting at each corner,

pale palace illuminated by the marmalade glow,

trembling to its foundations at the approaching abuser.


Monitoring nightly communication tweets aimed towards anyone listening,

defending the edges of the tangerine sphere,

with rapidly constructed sieves,

reasons for contradictory actions somewhat unclear.


Forward progress of the beasts is slow as they can’t figure which way to go,

Nole, Ffej, Kram and Mas pull in different directions,

and receive little help from the clown fish’s instructions.


Neighbours know not which way to turn under the intense apricot’s burn,

but have no intention of tacet compliance,

and welcome threats with open defiance.


Now the instigation of a trade war to stick in the collective passive world’s craw.

It only remains to select out of the pumpkin’s pack,

the ruler of the world,

from the overstuffed beasts on their self-fulfilling tracks. 

© David L Atkinson February 2025 

God Bless 

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