Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Poetry Thursday 3 - Not up to me

 I actually wrote this poem three months ago but after listening to a current affairs phone-in programme it seems even more relevant today. Perhaps I should re-publish every three months until the election.

Not up to me


General election next year,

but there’s no point in voting,

my opinion is without value I fear,

I’ll see the result in the morning.


I don’t like what has happened to my country,

under the current oppressive thumb,

but if I vote for the other party,

in this constituency they’ve never won.


I wish there was a better way,

a system that gives a more balanced outcome,

but I’ll probably never see the day,

when our decision sheds elitism,


and is representative of lots of views,

rather than the divisive two party rule.

Still they aren’t interested in my muse,

so I’ll stay home and keep my cool.

© David L Atkinson May 2023 

God Bless 

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