Sunday, October 1, 2023

Writing - Change or not

 The one factor that causes the adrenaline to build in almost every human being is change. So it is when you are writing and decide to do something different to your main character, their behaviours, or situation. However, sometimes a change is as good as a rest. 

The book I wrote that brought about the most change for my team was Inceptus which was my 5th novel. It was my maturing into a better writer even if I say so myself. The process of change needs planning. 

If you mentally make that change decision then it is the trigger for some behavioural hiccoughs. You may find that you increase the amount of procrastination, begin to fear you have writers' block, or even believe that the art has left you. Persevere! 

It is not true of all change, but if you build upon what has gone before then you will be energised by the outcome. It may lead to greater personal satisfaction, and, you never know, success. 

In this the 5th Steele novel Patrick tackles the person who has been surreptitiously dogging his footsteps over a number of his adventures. This is not without risk and the focus of his love, Naomi Kobayashi, disappears which seriously affects his ability to function as well as he can. We also find out more about the man himself. The adventure takes him to Eire, France, and the USA before he returns to resolve the issue in the UK. Will Patrick finally rid himself of a deadly enemy? Can our hero rescue his love or is it already too late? Another Patrick Steele adventure filled with tension and action as well as the support provided by the team he has developed over the years. 

The above blurb gives one or two hints that change is at hand. Romance is strongly indicated and the movement from Steele centred to team focused methods of achieving his ends are significant. 

If you desire a parallel in life just take notice of the current political situation in the UK and the changes the PM Rishi Sunak is announcing weekly, in an effort to throw the Labour Party so as to reduce their lead in the polls. The outcome won't become known for some months but the level of panic in some MPs even in Sunak's own party is an indicator of the stress of change. 

Introducing change into your writing may be a nerve-wracking idea but it could work out well, on the other hand, if it doesn't, go back to your original method. As my father used to say 'there's only a week between a good haircut and a bad one'. 

God Bless 

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