Monday, October 9, 2023

Writing - Voice in your head

 We all have voices or one voice in our heads. We talk about 'a little bird told me'; my conscience told me; or, something was prodding me to do something. Sometimes, when we are alone, we verbalise the advice or inner voice. I have attended courses where we are advised to indulge in positive self-talk, to help improve performance. 

However, this internal voice is an integral part of producing fiction. In the film Venom Eddie Brock's symbiotic relationship with the eponymously named virus is a powerful metaphor for the value of your internal voice. 

When I have a storyline in mind I allow my imagination to explore the idea and to travel along various possibilities before selecting one direction to follow. That decision is often driven by an internal voice and is quite often an emotional response.

Unlike Venom it is not in the form of a threat to eat my liver but more a feel-good factor, a feeling of correctness about the direction of travel. 

Sometimes there is an internal conversation and that is a positive exercise in trying a strategy that will enhance the quality of your writing. The important factor is that you have control of that conversation. It is rather like freewheeling downhill on a cycle, there is freedom, an adrenaline rush but you have your hand on the brake and handlebars that will allow you to control the speed and direction of travel. 

So although you may not want your inner Venom to bite the heads off  the bad people you do need to listen when it speaks because it is your intellect testing ideas and boundaries and it can only enrich the final product. 

God Bless 

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