Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Poetry Thursday - 14 - Green Horse

 One of the beauties of being a writer is that you allow your imagination free rein to go where it will. The poem below was inspired in me over a few short hours and began with a dream from which I awoke at 3am the other morning.

Green Horse


Last night I dreamt of a green horse swimming in a lake

I had to splash water in its face to keep it in my wake

We landed here in Amsterdam for its low-lying shore then

I mounted the horse and rode it all the way to Elsinore.


Welcomed by the Danes,

a friendly people, although they were astonished,

as riding a green horse was behaviour to be admonished.


We continued traveling on

until we crossed the Rubicon

where the way the local people spoke

to the green horse sounded like a joke.


Green horse was disinclined to laugh,

and so we followed Caeser’s path,

sought out the rather comforting charms,

of resting in sweet Mary‘s arms.

© David L Atkinson November 2023 

God Bless 

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