Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Thursday Poetry 12 - Fall Back

 Warm spaces for people unable to afford their heating at home; increasing numbers of food banks; and, charities giving beds to children who are without. Shameful factors that will be the legacy of this Tory Government. 

Fall Back


Turned back time last weekend,

for lighter mornings on the farm,

or so we’re told but in the end

leaving alone would do what harm?


An extra hours sleep in bed,

drummed repeatedly into my head,

so why am I not more rested,

tired for two days instead.


Turning back time within human power,

a jealously guarded skill,

worth it for a single hour,

held within the public will.


An illogical step if you apply your mind,

brighter breakfasts, tea to the dark consigned,

but only one hour an insignificant spot,

when you consider what we’ve got!


So let’s stop fiddling,

with insignificant aspects of life,

when so many issues conflicting,

give people so much strife.

© David L Atkinson November 2023  

God Bless 

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