Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Poetry Thursday 18 - Know your place

 Writing poetry is closer to the soul than creating long stories, or short ones for that matter. I was reminded of that by the sad passing of  Benjamin Zephaniah. In particular his poem  No Problem (see my last blog). 



Trust me ya nivver too ard to larn,

even when yer brort up to

‘teachers divn’t tark like that.’

yer ower pitmatic.

But the real lesson is in those words,

learned advice from years of experience

of how to tark reet,

how to act reet,

how to behave reet.

how to blend in.

In fact how te disapeah,

becos yer’ve nee rite,

not with uwer upbringin,

te expect owt else.

Haway bonny lad,

tha should kna thy place.

© David L Atkinson December 2023

God Bless 

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