Monday, December 4, 2023

Writing - Personal messages

 It may seem an obvious thing to say but the messages within your writing tend to be personal and so very public. Unlike WhatsApp and other social media sites, you are sending out your messages to be read by all and sundry so you need to be aware of limiting personal stuff. What you tell people is up to you but remember that knowledge is power. 

Also, it will save you a degree of hassle if you remain fair and impersonal. 


Patrick A Steele is principally an Englishman. He finds the influence that the USA enjoys within his country to be abhorrent and decides that he should research into the possibility of doing something about the ‘special relationship’ to which the two nations profess.
Patrick Steele is an accountant with training in a variety of physical skills. He has made himself a self-styled Robin Hood available to right the wrongs of society using his skills as an accountant and a man of violence.
The Gurentai, a more benevolent sub-group of the Japanese Yakuza, set Steele up with a Swiss bank account with sufficient remuneration to purchase an empty factory unit and set it up as a training facility and garage.
After persuading his Japanese companion, Takuo Sumisu and Naomi Kobayashi, to become involved, he also elicits assistance from the German and French secret services. There then ensues a variety of actions that take Patrick and his Japanese allies across Europe and eventually to the US before returning to the UK.

Will the efforts of Patrick and his cronies be enough to drive a rift between the USA and the UK? Discover the outcome in ‘The 51ST State’

As you may glean from the blurb this book could appeal to different audiences depending on which side of the Atlantic your allegiances lie. However, the suggestion that there is a possible conflict seems to have caught the imagination of some as it has sold quite well, for me, particularly in the US. 

A footnote; this was only my second novel and is undoubtedly not the classiest piece of literature! 

God Bless 

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