Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Poetry Thursday 21 - Robin Angel

 Earlier this week I wrote about Sam Weller philosophies from Pickwick Papers and that research spawned today's poem.


Robin Angel


Where do robins gan to dee,

perhaps they’ve got immortality,

yer nivver see’m on the ground,

even with all the cats around,

still they come again and again,

with messages for women and men.


Often seen near the garden spade,

waitin’ te chat - working waylaid,

with waistcoat of crimson,

a message from heaven,

 from the dear departed,

via this bird so big-hearted.

He’ll stand their quite brazen,

demanding your attention,

quite unafraid for such a little chap,

telling his tale with hardly a gap,

until he’s passed on the whole story,

then off he flits in his crimson glory.

© David L Atkinson January 2024 

God Bless 

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