Monday, January 22, 2024

Writing - Episodes

 Even the most impressive tome is rich with shorter stories or episodes and we writers should be collecting these in the course of our everyday lives for later use. 

Echo Show

The innocuous Echo show which is my 21st century radio alarm clock provided me with such an episode recently. It was quite scary. 

06:36 Sunday 14th January 2024 

It sounded like a car alarm but inside my apartment. A very rude awakening into pitch blackness. Even my alarm was as black as Casey's cap. Silence for a few seconds then the alarm sounded once more. The screen on the Echo Show flickered into life and the charging light on my electric toothbrush began to flash its green charging message. All the evidence of a power outage. Then blessed silence at which point I began breathing again. 

In itself a minor occurrence that caused a quickening of the heartbeat and a sigh of relief. Of course, there was no explanation for the event which was slightly disturbing, that came a few days later when my house phone rang. The message I received was almost as spooky because it wasn't a person but an electronic voice apologising for a power cut. 

As you can see not a great mindblowing event but certainly an event that offers an opportunity for some creative writing. 

God Bless 

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