Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Poetry Thursday 26 - Time Before

I read a nostalgic article this week where the author was thinking back to a personal time before the internet. It struck a chord about the time before other innovations that I have experienced. 

The Time Before


In the time before television, 

we would gather round the wireless,

and share our views

on events in the news,

then listen to comedy’s,

Navy Lark, Goon Show and Round the Horne,

then altogether on Christmas morn,

singing carols while preparing lunch.


And in the time before mobile phones,

with on the street red boxes and press button B,

in an emergency a sprint to the phone box,

when rapid contact was by first class post,

cursive text no one else could see,

no Google search or asking Alexa,

but off to the family encyclopaedia or the library.


And in the time before family cars,

 and no one could afford a taxi,

the bus ruled with reliability,

taking folk to school, work and on holiday,

whether a jaunt for the day,

or a fortnight trip,

timetables operating with nary a slip.

Always a conductor to sell a ticket,

to help those less active,

controlling behaviours on every trip.

© David L Atkinson February 2024 

God Bless 

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