Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Poetry Thursday 30 - The right track

 A bit of a curate's egg this week in that I think the first poem is brilliant and sums up where society is in the 21st century.

Is your life running on predetermined tracks?

Life on Rails


On rails there is direction,

a path laid out and safe to follow.

A track leading to termination,

a distance either deep or shallow


Several jolts along the way

almost enough to leave the track,

but the magnetic road won’t let you stray,

and the spinning wheels find the way back.


Great moments when the track is smooth,

and the joy of the journey unsurpassed.

It feels good to continue in repetitive groove,

you feel hope that progress will long last.


The critics say they wish for change,

scornful of your regulated progression.

Yet they too have tracks with little range,

that carry them to their secret obsession.


So enjoy the rules that make your pattern,

take comfort in the predictability.

Follow the rails made at your instruction,

continue to the inevitable terminus of vitality.

© David L Atkinson March 2015

God Bless 

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