Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Poetry Thursday 33 - Get the message?

 So why write poetry? A question addressed many times but it is rarely answered satisfactorily. I have produced a piece of work that points toward some of the reasons why I write poetry. 

Get the message?


Because more may access the message,

or more may get the message,

or maybe they’ll appreciate the message,

or perhaps just read the message.


Not trying to be an obscure message,

or an intellectually clever message,

not a particularly clear message,

more of an emotionally charged message.


More getting to the bottom of the message,

perhaps the nuances of the message,

happen they’ll discuss the message,

or internalise the message.


Perhaps the message offers explanations,

maybe the message triggers the conscience,

will the message generate new realisations,

or begin a beneficial consequence.

© David L Atkinson March 2024 

God Bless 

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