Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Poetry Thursday 42 - 21st century rhymes

Make of this lot what you will but keep in mind not everything is what it seems.

21st Century Nursery Rhymes


Sing a song of 5p,

many years ago,

Four and twenty chicken nuggets,

baked in a taco.


 Rishi PM sat on the fence,

Rishi PM sold out his defence,

All his best mates disappeared from view,

leaving poor Rishi to search jobs anew.


Keir and Rishi went out to the country,

to see who was the best,

Rishi got wet and caught a chill,

Keir wore a thick vest.


Keir and Rachel went to sea

in a beautiful pale blue boat,

they promised thick honey and odd bits of money,

 to keep the country afloat.


Baa, baa blue sheep can I have your vote,

no sir, no sir your policies are a joke,

one for the yellow sheep, one for the red,

one for the green sheep not yet out of bed,

Baa, baa blue sheep can I have your vote,

no sir, no sir politically your broke.


Hey, doddle, slammer

the snake and the hammer,

the reptile soared through the hoop,

the squirrel laughed to see such folly,

and the striker stayed in the loop.

©David L Atkinson May 2024 

God Bless 

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