Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Poetry Thursday 50 - Which horse?

 I felt that the US President standing down from the election in November deserved comment. The style I have employed is terza rima, which is more of practice for me and inspired by Stephen Fry.

Which horse?


Most powerful country in the world,

in hands of a tangerine Heffalump,

dubious scorched earth policies unfurled.

the implied dangers make lazy hearts pump,

scary warnings to the world in advance,

the risk of electing caravan Drumpf.


Parading in an electoral trance,

to the greatest risk for democracy,

the peel of oranges named his VP – Vance,

then claimed the great hand of the deity,

shielded him from an assassin’s bullet,

to support the republican theory.


If the shooter had been more accurate,

then a week’s a long time in politics,

would things be better for the democrat,

or is the time almost up for Biden,

who will be the next victim or Harris,

which old nag will your money ride on?

©David L Atkinson July 2024 

And on a more seasonal note. 



The weather has finally improved - at last,

temperatures have soared up to normal,

time to moan about the evening heat blast,

the chances of a good night abysmal,

hovering above the sweat knotted sheets,

yearning a cold shower acceptable.


Children playing in the blistering streets,

worried mothers exhorting put on cream,

time out called in shadow for ice cold treats,

beaches and parks full of loud youths in teams,

noises increased by sun’s intensity,

cool sandy beaches dominate our dreams.


Don’t fret it will end momentarily,

seasons in this land are thankfully short,

nor do they last long in the memory.

©David L Atkinson July 2024 

God Bless 

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