Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Poetry Thursday 55 - Power of Plants

 When I was coming up my dad allowed me to garden with him and grow vegetables. It was necessary after the war.  It could be a positive step forward for children today. 

Power of Plants


Studied and grown forever,

plants an inextricable part of humanity,

yet disregarded for their importance,

without which would lead us to insanity.


Plants are disregarded to the nth degree,

taken for granted, increasing neglect,

areas of growth decimated,

when we need to be showing due respect.


In crisis when forced back to basics,

by war, famine or natural phenomenon,

growing food becomes a major focus,

a fundamental factor we rely upon.


Yet when humans believe they are doing well,

plants are relegated to a back seat,

even a nuisance to be ploughed under,

but without them what will we have to eat?


The perverse destructive nature of man,

allows us to use plants as a sign of love,

to lighten the load when we are ill,

yet in the way and we give them the shove.


It’s good to remember our human needs,

to appreciate the simple miracle of a plant,

useful in every aspect of existence,

and the importance to life they grant.


Our children should learn how to grow them,

be aware of the roles plants play,

understand relationships between flora and fauna,

and hope they have wit to let plants have their say.

©David L Atkinson August 2024 

God Bless 

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