Monday, November 11, 2024

Writing - Extra mile

 Writing stories is a method of affecting the imaginations of those who read your work. Included in the strategies available to you is the ability to generate pictures in the minds' of readers. A freedom you have is to be as extreme as you wish in that description. I have referenced a couple of masters of descriptive scenes in past blogs but found an intense description from Dickens that is worth repeating. 

'It was a great surprise to Scrooge, while listening to the moaning of the wind, and thinking what a solemn thing it was to move on through the lonely darkness over an unknown abyss, whose depths were secrets as profound as Death;' 

This short passage from 'A Christmas Carol' is from part of the journey with the third spirit of the future and on the sea. The italicised section is the sea and it would probably not be wise to consider its meaning while on a cruise. 

It is not suggested that you use such obscure ideas at every page turn but it could be something generated in particularly dramatic sections of your writing. As an exercise choose subjects, consider the nature and describe using mystical or profound language. 

God Bless 

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