Monday, December 30, 2024

Writing - Be Revolting

Telling stories is fun. Well, that is why I began to tell stories in a writing way. I say that because I have told stories orally to children for forty years and more. In fact, whole classes have enjoyed my characterisations when I read stories aloud and I say that without bragging. 

The Secret Garden was one example of this but there were other unusual choices such as The Owl Service. Adding voices to relating the written word aloud engages listeners, or at least it can do, it could also have the opposite effect. A negative reaction is almost inevitable in a group of twenty-plus people listening to a story or watching a film. The best plan being to keep trying as practice makes perfect. 

So what is meant by being revolting? What I mean with regards to writing tales is using the unconventional, the bombastic, the difficult character; to stir up your story and generate an air of anticipation in the reader. It is almost like creating a voice characterisation that will have your audience on tenterhooks. Like the Northern Earls 500 years ago they were a spanner in the Queen's works. They come with attitude, strong emotions and intention to act and as such require handling by their creator. 

Wolfie Smith

In fact the 'Citizen Smith' character can make a story buzz so much so that he has become a byword for standing for the little people in society. So think about introducing a rebel into your tales and watch the fun begin. 

God Bless 


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Poetry Thursday 72 - Mackem Xmas

 Best wishes to all for a happy Christmas. 

Santy Claws


Santy is a Mackem,

of that ah have nee doubt,

its plain from when he burnt his bot,

the accent of his shout.

Dad had banked the fire up,

to stay in for the neet,

Santa made a slipup,

and also burnt his feet.

ah’d left him leeks and beer,

also a carrot Mam said,

divint forget the reindeer,

ah thowt he’d prefer a Fed.

Suitably replete the owld man got busy,

stacking presents beneath the tree,

continued until he felt quite dizzy,

leaving stuff for you and me.


Up he got, prepared to leave,

and continue on his way,

to please the bairns who still believe,

in the magic of Christmas Day.

They slept in until 5 o’clock,

and all the leets were on,

stared at the pile of toys in shock,

but Santy Claws had gone.

The pile of bonny paper grew,

there was glitter everywhere,

perhaps in little hearts they knew,

it was mam and dad who care.

Did the bairns get all they wanted,

Playstation 5, new bike or foal,

Santy’s sack with prezzies abounded,

but some received a lump of coal.

If yer’d been bad throughout the year,

and were on his naughty list,

Christmas Day nee time of great cheer,

toys and games would be sorely missed.

After, Santy can put up his feet,

share a glass with wor lass,

consider salad an off duty treat,

and look forward to Happy Christmas.

© David L Atkinson December 2020

God Bless 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Writing - Prezzies

 The run-up to the Christmas festivities demands inspiration from everyone who gives gifts whether to relatives, friends or colleagues. 

In fact, it is probably the richest time of year for the creation of ideas, it demands a different way of thinking about our nearest and dearest. It's probably the only time of year when the majority of the population, is pushed into being creative and innovative. Some folk are really good at it while others give gift cards and vouchers. 
I recognise the temptation. The accumulated heaps of goodies beneath the tree represent a deal of creative thought and in themselves can be inspiring. 

As a child, if you came from an average background in the UK, there would be that anticipation of opening the bright shiny-wrapped gifts. The wondering of what is inside the boxes generates the good place enzymes that pushes us humans into feeling good. The whole exercise is good for us whether we write or not. The process is not difficult to breakdown. 

In considering what gift to give someone you bring into play your knowledge of that person and your shared history; you factor in the funds available for you to spend; you consider the type of person you're hoping to please; and, the recent interactions that you have had together. All those factors help you to feel positive when in fact it could be so much easier to emulate the Grinch. 

By now the majority will have gone through the above process and are undoubtedly feeling relieved that it's almost over, but try and remain positive and congratulate yourself on what you have in fact achieved. Those positive vibes could generate even more ideas. 
Merry Christmas 

God Bless 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Poetry Thursday 71 - Christmas Minus One

 One week away from the 'big day' and some of us are sorted, some are nearly there and there will be some who haven't started yet! Where are you? But what message should we be sending? 

Christmas Minus One


T’was the week before Christmas and behind each door,

chaos reigns on available shelves and in cupboards,

in fact occupies the entire floor.


All money is spent and a little bit more, 

the bills in the letter box tinged with scarlet,

the question in mind, is this a final score?


Does little tommy need a bigger drawer,

or katy and billy and jenny and pete,

loaded till they can’t carry anymore.


Bright wrapping stretched, a painful chore,

decorations brightly winking and blinking,

is this what the annual binge is for? 


You have done your best as in years before,

you’ll have thrilled and pleased one and all,

so confidently sit back and observe the love outpour.

© David L Atkinson December 2024 

God Bless 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Writing - People Watching

 While out this afternoon, I discovered another situation that could lend itself to providing sources of inspiration for future writings. All you need to do is observer a crowd of people and you will soon see a host of possibilities as to the type of characters you might wish to see in one of your stories. Obviously, the situation of the crowd and their purpose for being in place will vary. 

What you actually see today was unusual because it was the congregation at a funeral and so there were certain similarities across the room. Most people were dressed formally, mostly in dark colours, and all looking well-scrubbed. There was every type of person in a room of about two hundred. There were couples, there were single people, and there were families. There were very old people and there were young children; each one of them having their own agenda.  All with their own response to the situation. By applying a little imagination you can soon attach interpretation to their expressions.  

At a funeral, as you would expect, the mood was sombre and respectful. However, if you apply similarities observational techniques to diverse scenarios it is easy to see the value in this type of people watching. Next time you are at a sporting event, the theatre or cinema, you’ll see people at their best and occasionally their worst. Holiday time is upon us where there will be plenty of partying, and where alcohol may have an effect, observe participants.

In crowds people behave atypically and observing friends and acquaintances in different situations can be eye opening,  but be discrete. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Poetry Thursday 70 - Monkey Hangers

 It is quite surprising that biological entities with opposing thumbs and the ability for abstract thought can end up believing the most incredible rubbish. I'll leave you to make up your own list but my list is from the northeast and is just as barmy as lists from all over the country. 

Andy Capp (Hartlepool) 

The Monkey Hangers


In a little known coastal town of Durham, 

where folk divint gerout much not even at neet,

they were freetend  auld Boney would invade em,

and send his navy for the feet.


Town elders met ower a pint to discuss a defensive plan,

and taaks were gannin well till little Bobby asked a question,

has any o yous seen a French man,

a lively discussion ensued accruing many a suggestion.


After much speculation ‘Bob the answers naa man,’ 

but ivry body naas all of us,

so any stranger plodgin threw the surf and up the sand,

must be someone we canna truss.


The nightly watch was set,

and for a while aal wes quiet,

not a single Frenchman wes met,

nee galleons and only the odd Friday riot.


Until late one parky Tuesday neet,

sail wes spotted in the distance,

Headland cannon wes loaded ready for the feet,

the town mounted a plucky resistance.


The lads wer on target and sank a ship,

the remains o’ the armada both turned and fled,

Tommy commented ‘that was a short-lived trip,’

Aye - better mek shuwer the sailors are dead.


A creature in French uniform crawled from the wave,

it was captured and thrown into jail,

locals thought its antics wer the way French behave,

they celebrated with lots of ale.


The following dawn was set for the execution,

the Frenchie to be hung without fail,

a trial run with defence and prosecution,

but nee one asked why the perp had a tail.

© David L Atkinson December 2024 

God Bless 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Writing - Sources

Sometimes it can seem an impossible task to find ideas for stories, poems or articles, this is not a blog that will provide all the answers but one possible well of inspiration. In fact, this provides possibilities for a number of pieces of work. 

We were all born somewhere, and those 'somewheres' have history, and those histories may be of many different types. 

I was brought up in the north east of England which has a rich and fascinating history that is little known outside the immediate area. 

In fact, unless you want great detail, there's no need to go past the contents page. 

For example, 

The Fairies from the Cave 

The Devil's Boy 

A Vampire in South Shields 

The Pickled Parson 

The Durham Puma. 

Just half a dozen out of over thirty articles concerning life and incidents in one relatively small part of our small island. In the titles, you can glean the beginnings of all types of stories etc. There is fantasy, horror, crime and adventure all wrapped up as possibilities in these hints. If you find something that engages the creative spark, delve deeper for a more detailed backbone to your writing. If it doesn't work, adapt or look again. 

I am looking to write poems that explore the history and richness of my ancestry, but equally, I could be looking to write a story on the horrors of working in a 'big house' as a servant and how such folk were treated or abused. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Poetry Thursday 69 - Aam Cauld

 I once wrote a poem on the same subject but have contrived to lose it, so here we go again. 

It is a tale that centres on Hylton Castle in Sunderland and involves a young stable boy, Robert Skelton, and the 13th Baron Hylton. 

‘Aam cauld’


Robert Skelton a canny stable lad,

worked for Baron Hylton when times were bad,

five hundred years on the story is auld,

but he can still be heard moanin’

‘aam cauld’, ‘aam cauld’.


Commanded to ready the master’s horse early,

Robert ower slept meckin’ the Baron surly,

confronting the miscreant in the stable,

the Lord dispatched him with pitchfork - the fable.


 Or perhaps took off his head with a sword,

Or beaten with a riding crop by the noble Lord,

whichever way the story is tauld,

he can still be heard moanin’

‘aam cauld’, ‘am cauld’.


Nee quiet spirit young Bobby Skelton,

in the time since, his activities dwelt on,

show actions of a restless poltergeist,

by untidiness from his rest is enticed.


A spirit you'd want to have around the house,

as long as he's quiet as a mouse,

but when already spick and span,

will trash the place like a demented man,


‘aam cauld’, ‘am cauld’.

© David L Atkinson December 2024 

Hylton Castle 

God Bless 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Writing - Sharper than steel

 There's nothing new under the sun. 

What goes around comes around. 

History repeating itself. 

I shouldn't raise this subject as it can divide friends and families more rapidly and assuredly than the reasons behind the French Revolution, whether you live on the red or blue side of Liverpool, or, like or detest Marmite (Vegemite). Namely, the topic of assisted dying. The brilliant poet Pam Ayres wrote about this and other topics 11 years ago. I repeat her work below, but if you have the time search for the poem on YouTube you can hear her read the piece herself. 

Pam Ayres 

Count Me Out

In hospital now you risk MRSA

and under your bedstead the cockroaches play,

if you don't clutch your kidneys they'll have ‘em away,

So count me out. 

Euthanasia’s coming it's too late to run,

Hear the last loving words of a daughter or son,

you've outstayed your welcome now Ma, here's a gun,

So count me out.


I rang the police, ‘you must help me,’ I said,

an axe man is aiming an axe at my head,

he'll have had a rough childhood, don't hurt him, they said,

So count me out. 

Pam Ayres. (2013)

We tend to assume that everything that happens in our lives is unique but when you consider Pam's poem there isn't even a generation gap between the incidents and attitudes she illustrates so beautifully. So when you write on a topic that is pushing your buttons don't worry that it has been done before, you're entitled to your opinion. Besides language is as dynamic as life. 

God Bless 

Poetry Thursday 82 - Depths

  In this era of self-reflection, meditation and mindfulness, I wonder if we actually accrue the mental equipment necessary to protect ourse...