Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Poetry Thursday 76 - LMF

 It seems to me that society has developed the strategy of blaming anything other than perpetrators for inappropriate actions and behaviours. While teaching it was not unusual to catch a child in the act of doing something wrong and yet be faced with a furious rebuttal of the action. Sometimes we need to hold up our hands and admit 'It was me!' 



It seems to me that there are more excuses,

for what we say and do in public,

our actions and unfortunate abuses,

must be the fault of influences cosmic.


Parental actions count for nothing,

society is the malevolent actor,

the cure must be carried out by teaching,

or by the overburdened doctor.


Perhaps the answer lies in time,

giving parents adequate funding,

to exercise this role sublime,

giving offspring strong grounding.


In time, alone we must learn to cope,

life will throw many curve balls,

alone we stand and live in hope,

that we can rise after the falls.

© David L Atkinson January 2025  

God Bless 

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