Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Poetry Thursday 79 - OO hands off Seaburn

 So the Gaza Strip is going to be Mar-a-Lago 2! Is any strip of sand next to the sea safe? 

OO hands off Seaburn


Here bonny lad, what d’yer thing yer deein’,

its nivver red hot in Seaburn,

the watter’s alwes freezin’,

you’ve a better chance of windburn rather than sunburn,

it’ll nivver mek a golf links so hands off our Seaburn.


Hang on there marra not yours to tek,

just cos there’s a lorra sand and sea,

disn’t  giv yer the right to mek,

changes to where we plodged with family,

it’ll nivver be a posh spot so hands off our Seaburn.


Hold yer hosses yer not from rund here,

yer knaa nowt of collectin’ coal off the beach,

or even of where to get the best beer,

what to dee with the sand in yer sandwich,

a word in yer ear hands off our Seaburn.


Wee der yer think yer are with yer flash claes and fancy tan,

yer probably divint speak the language,

let alone knaa wot a lass needs from her man,

so draw your horns in, we winnit budge,

craal back in yer hole, hands off our Seaburn.

© David L Atkinson February 2025 

God Bless 

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