Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Poetry Thursday 81 - The Dance

 We are all on the same journey irrespective of creed, colour or nationality. The poems today are reflections of advancing age. 

The Dance


The Christmas card list gets ever shorter,

another friend once someone’s daughter,

has shuffled off this good green earth,

having lived a life of value and worth.

That hopefully lengthy vital journey,

from vibrant youth to the considered elderly,

was filled with rainbow colours bright,

from initial dawn to the final night.

At a time when the canvas is turning green,

and new life and hope is readily seen,

to lose someone is such a shame,

but the burgeoning of Spring may ease the pain.


This season of rebirth and new light,

of flowers appearing after night,

discloses evidence of life and strength,

as each day increases in length.

We all must join the dance through every age,

accept the sorrow, turn the page,

for Spring is coming with a sweeter song,

and life goes on hopeful and strong.

© David L Atkinson February 2025



A bit of tongue in cheek but then what choice do we have. 

When I Got Older


Already lost most of my hair,

very little original colour there,

it was supposed to be years from now,

waking up and moving with ooh and owww!

Old folk noises just slip out,

then ageing ailments like arthritis and gout,

punctuate the day from dawn till lights out.


Grabbing the trekking poles I set off on a journey,

to the kitchen, well within my capability,

having arrived I pondered my history,

yomped back to the lounge to jog my memory.

Then I dropped a fork on the floor,

no dive down to retrieve it anymore,

but consideration of how my back was sore.


Having indulged in this burst of action,

time to repair to recliner for reflection,

two hours later jerked awake,

and off to the bathroom a leak to take,

I could give more detailed fact,

tell more tales of aged act,

but age is an individual contract.

© David L Atkinson February 2025  

God Bless 

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