Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Poetry Thursday 5 - The After Sound

There are many examples of when there is a magical silence, but they all have that indescribable power. 

Speech is silver but silence is golden. 

The believed Arabic saying speaks for itself.

The After Silence


Everyone has experienced it some time,

anyone who listens to music,

classical to pop to rap to ragtime,

at the end there is the magic.


When the band comes to the end of a piece,

after the final notes have been played,

the last echoes finally cease,

that’s where the magic is displayed.  


Paul and Art tried to explain in words,

darkness, visions, their silence sounds,

creating even more instances onwards,

the magic part of their collective rounds.


Even that f*cking lark soaring,

once it reaches its zenith of flight,

when the bow leaves the violin string,

before applause, magic at its height.


Between the last chord and first applause,

is a moment, not simply acoustic,

a silence where music finally withdraws,

resetting the sounds ether with magic.

© David L Atkinson September 2023 

God Bless 

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