Monday, September 18, 2023

Writing - Or selling?

 In this series of blogs I have visited the reasons for writing in some small measure but not the marketing side of the business. It must be said that I have sold some of my work, probably quite a few over the years, but never in the hundreds. My writing is a hobby. 

The best way to sell is, according to 'experts', to obtain an agent, then do as they tell you. Sell your soul to the devil. (Sorry for being cynical). An alternative is to send samples to publishers who offer that service but don't hold your breath for a deal. It has to be remembered that agents and publishers are in the business to make money and they know the market. If you are a famous person or noteworthy in some way they may think you will make them money so a deal will be forthcoming. That is the first group you have to surpass in your quest for a publishing deal. 
After banging my head against that particular wall I decided on self-publishing and have been happy with that outcome. There are other steps that may help. Agents will encourage you to become fully involved in social media and create your own website, the maintenance of which is very time-consuming. 

It was at the point where I was trying to maintain a significant presence on social media that I decided to concentrate on what I enjoyed - writing. 
You choose. 

God Bless 

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