Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Poetry Thursday 6 - You can't sit there

 Wherever we go in life we make an imprint, some visits last longer than others and some imprints are more noticeable than others, but they are there however fleetingly.

You can’t sit there


Every time I come I sit there,

If you sit there where do I go?

it’s my place please be aware,

why’s it important – I don’t know.


You can’t take that place,

that’s where I always stop,

no kind of race,

even for a few minutes it’s where I drop.


It’s where I am every week,

part of my regular route,

others will be unable to seek

my normal commute.

If you take that spot

what’s left for the renter?

Try again – take another shot,

piece of mind preventer.


Oh I know you don’t understand,

probably don’t even care,

derive pleasure delivering discomfort,

hardened by this reprimand,

superiority boosted by the emotional flare,

ego supported by this assert.


Perhaps it’s time to step back,

consider a passive approach,

revel in the avoidance of attack,

give comfort rather than on others encroach.

© David L Atkinson September 2023

God Bless 

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