Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Thursday Poetry 10 - Autumn Again

 A colourful and changeable time of year often used to inspire poetry. Its been happening to me since I was 9! 

Autumn Again

Fading greens, then browns and reds,

sad plants in soggy flower beds,

crops collected boiled and stored,

creating winters’ vegetable horde.

Time for preparing temporary limbo,

slowing the beat of the ‘growing’ allegro

that happens in the warmer days,

when spring and summer have their ways.

Crackling fires and chilly nights,

brisk walks in low sun lights,

dazzling above horizon’s dark border,

curtailing days in no short order.


Cool autumn is here once again,

that inclement season of wind and rain.

© David L Atkinson October 2023


Jack Shine the Muggy


Time for Halloween once again,

after tea fun short-lived with earlier nights,

kids just want to play one more game

before being called in from excited heights.


Too dark to indulge regular sports,

traditional local games from older kids,

history driven quaint old imports,

games woke attitudes forbids.


Catchy Kiss definitely forbidden,

Knocky Nine Doors unacceptable socially,

too risky to Seek the too long hidden,

but Halloween’s okay with Jack Shine the Muggy.

© David L Atkinson October 2023 

God Bless 

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