Monday, October 16, 2023

Writing - Power of Dreams

 Sweet dreams; dream big; follow your dreams; and so on, are just a small sample of things we might hear at bedtime. In fact, dreams are an enormous part of our lives including the girl/man of our dreams. It has been said that if we didn't dream we would be driven insane. Then there was the Martin Luther King 'I had a dream......' speech. 

Well, I had a dream, last night, the night before and so on. I dream in colour and can often remember parts of my dreams, and sometimes not so much. 

What has this to do with writing? Well, that is up to you the writer. 

I sometimes consider dreaming as the subconscious, tinged with memory and experience, but then presented by our imaginations. 

If you consider what you remember of dreams quite often there are discrepancies, mistakes if you like. 'The mind playing tricks!' Really! What does that mean, if anything? That is not the way our brains work. However, dreams seem to defy the logical, sequential way in which that marvelous organ operates.
What we may consider as mistakes may be no more than random chemical aberrations but then why do some dreams reoccur with the same differences to reality? Could that be evidence of imagination? I don't know but why not put it to good use? 

The cover I created for Earth plc is a little like dreams. There are three concepts in play in the story, our fragile planet, green issues and industrial exploitation. Now you can put whatever spin you like on the above cover, that's why it was created, by the pictures the brain suggests, or dreams up. 

So consider the pictures from your dreams and take them as part of your writing notebook to use as you wish - after all they are yours. 

God Bless 

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