Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Poetry Thursday 27 - Love without limits

Apparently, over 80% of UK people feel that Valentine's Day is yet another purely commercial enterprise. I can concur with that view as well but in a world that is seemingly driven by greed a little extra love won't go amiss. 

Love Without Limits


It is not under the purview of anyone,

the experiences provided are legion,

it has no bounds or favourites,

and is almost universally of benefit.  


Bus drivers are available to date,

as is the fireman and the ship’s first mate,

the brain surgeon and the window cleaner,

also qualify for love’s cherubic archer.


It is the same for kings and queens,

as it is for octogenarians and teens,

the euphoria of the coursing adrenalin,

and joy of physical connection.


So treasure the magical moment,

cry in the instant of abandonment,

but never wallow in pointless regret,

for something wonderful, over … but yet!

© David L Atkinson February 2024


Woke Valentine


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

and providing it doesn’t offend in some way

so are you.

© David L Atkinson February 2024

Egotistical Valentine


Snowdrops are white,

Daffodils are yellow,

fancy a date with this handsome fellow?

© David L Atkinson February 2024


Realistic Valentine


Cornflowers are blue,

Sunflowers are tall,

Valentine’s just another day after all.

© David L Atkinson February 2024 

God Bless 

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