Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Poetry Thursday 29 - Why Read?

 In Roald Dahl's Matilda the crusty Dad played by Danny Devito in the film, states 'Why read when you can get everything you need from TV?' My reaction is below. 



Why read?

when you can get everything faster from TV,

when a computer has more options,

when it takes time to finish a book,

when you do it all alone,

when it is a pastime too quiet.


Why not read?

when you can apply imagination,

when you can live several lives,

when you have countless experiences,

when you never need to leave your chair,

when you’re surrounded by fascinating folk,

when time is no longer a barrier to travel.

© David L Atkinson March 2015


Travel the world from a chair


A book holds a story that will never die,

it is there to entertain forever.

The story is your transport to times gone by,

or a rocket hurtling towards the future.


The people inside are fallible like you,

but with help may foil the danger,

or follow a path taken by few,

and perhaps find a babe in a manger!


You may travel the wide world from your chair,

or never leave this wonderful land.

Change your colour or perm your hair,

without the risk of wearing a new brand.


The sky's the limit every time you try

the same story read a dozen times.

Let your imagination be free and fly,

in the words of stories and of rhymes.

© David L Atkinson March 2015 

God Bless 

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