Monday, February 26, 2024

Writing - Attitudes and Trends

 Do you remember watching movies or have you seen the same made in the 50s and 60s? One of the common sights was people smoking. Similarly, one of the spoilers for me these days is the technology on display in movies say from the 90s. They look so dated and yet period dramas transcend those limitations. 

When we create stories, even if we are writing in the present, it is important to correctly represent the attitudes and trends of the day. What you include or omit from your stories may cause an inconsistency that jars with the reader. 

Just to add some context, telephones in the home weren't common until the mid-1970s, in 1993 my father died and he never saw home computers or mobile phones of any description. There seems to be a misconception that we have had the internet and smartphones forever! 

So, in enriching your work, including snippets to develop the context of your stories is important. The pool of resources is endless and your own experience is an important aspect. Research will supply a plethora of useful information. 

The creation of futuristic stories allows the writer to get out the crystal ball and have fun creating something original and that is something we've been doing for centuries. 

God Bless 

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