Monday, April 22, 2024

Writing - Dialect

 Not living in the area in which I was born has led to some interesting interactions with the locals. In these days of wokeness some of those interactions could be considered bullying. On the other hand they were probably attempts to make an outsider feel included, or it could be the human need to 'place' people.

Owen Brannigan (1908 - 1973) 

Owen Brannigan was an operatic bass (basso profundo) who also had a similar dialect to yours truly. I don't know about Owen but I was actively discouraged from speaking in the dialect as 'teachers don't talk like that'.
If you wish to hear that dialect click on the link. (or cut and paste) 

In creating a story, dialect can be used to provide depth and colour to the narrative bonny lad. I'm not taakin' aboot a regional language like Irish or Welsh but the micro variations that develop from street to street within an area. If you want te hav a go dee sum research. 

Andy Capp 

After aal we wanna be as orthentik as possible. 

Finally, as music is an interesting medium that can be used to transmit languages and dialects the link below will take you to a choir in the north east, singing 'properly', but using dialect words man. 
FYI - Ca' Hawkie Through the Watter is about getting a coo (cow) to cross a stream etc.

God Bless 

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