Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Poetry Thursday 36 - A little known species

 Thanks once again to the David Attenborough series of nature programmes this one called mammals for introducing me to a species I had never heard of before. The false killer whale It's found in temperate waters of most oceans, is an intelligent and well organised Hunter, and is happy to share its kill with other members of its pod. What is unusual about these creatures is that they establish relationships with other dolphins mostly the bottlenecks dolphin which they maintain over long periods of time.

False Killers


Of the false killer whale little is known,

bigger than its namesake and more vocal,

tropical and temperate waters are their home,

distinguishing mark a triangular dorsal.


No white markings on their black body,

they will hunt in groups to catch their prey,

tossing lunch in the air a characteristic activity,

but happy to share in an egalitarian way.


Of their complex social behaviours unique bonds,

happy to befriend other species,

bottlenose dolphins are particular friends,

meeting annually without animosities.


A lesson to humans in how they care,

forming lasting and supportive states,

prepared to put out for other species – rare,

faithful friends for life, true mates.

© David L Atkinson April 2024 

God Bless 

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