Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Poetry Thursday - 44 - I Never Had

 Growing up should be warm and fuzzy but you can't have everything you want. One of my father's mantras was 'I want never gets' and it was delivered gently enough but it isn't just for children, it should be a reminder for life. 

I Never Had


I never had a grandad,

both taken in the mines,

I only had one grandma,

and only for short times,

I never had a brother,

with whom I could argue and scrap,

I never had a sister,

to teach me the female map.


I never had an invisible friend,

with whom I could talk and play,

who would accompany me to bed at night

and keep dark monsters away,

who took me on adventures

but kept me safe from harm,

and when I was stressed or upset,

kept me cool and calm.


What I had was worth more than gold,

when young - saw to my every plead,

even when they themselves were old,

they nourished every spiritual need.

©David L Atkinson June 2024

God Bless 

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