Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Poetry Thursday 73 - Welcome 2025

 Health, wealth and prosperity for 2025. My dad always used the same toast on New Year's Day when meeting someone for the first time in the new year. Many people advise that we shouldn't look back and yet that would be denying all we've been taught and by those who gave us breath. It is good to plan ahead, but it is also good to build upon what we have already acquired. Logical really!! 

It’s Always New


Soon it will be a happy new year,

again advent just lead to Christmas,

we are warned with voices full of fear,

to live as if we're ageless.


Advised to change our behaviour,

to do so with renewed resolve,

the future will be our saviour,

looking forward all issues are solved.


But what of things we did yesterday,

lessons experience has taught,

loves and losses valued along the way,

satisfactions past life has brought.


Sure all the best for the future,

health, wealth and prosperity to all,

but as with a skillful footballer,

remember skills developed on the ball.

 © David L Atkinson January 2025 

God Bless 

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