Monday, January 6, 2025

Writing - Mood

 Irrespective of what we are describing in our writing we have the capacity to control mood. I watched a spoof documentary over the holiday and was slightly disturbed when a couple of very intelligent people were obviously upset by the tone and questions of the presenter. This was plain to me as an observer by looking at the physical responses of the interviewees. 

Cunk on Life 2024 

If you look up 'body language' on Google there is a huge response with lots of attempts to provide coaching in how to interpret that phenomenon. The response below is an AI summary. 

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that uses physical actions to convey information, rather than wordsExamples of body language include: 
  • Facial expressionsThe human face is very expressive and can convey many emotions without speaking. 
  • PostureHow a person holds their body can convey how they are feeling and their personality. 
  • Eye contactEye contact is important in communication and can show that you are paying attention. 
  • GesturesSharp, angular gestures can be a sign of aggression. 
  • SpaceInvading someone's personal space can be a sign of aggression
Nothing particularly new in that but just to add that context is important. Some situations are made for observing types of physical responses to interviews. Watching a politician being interviewed on a difficult subject is quite eye-opening. It is a demonstration of avoidance, as they often do not like answering direct questions, their physical reactions are indicators of avoidance and telling untruths. 

When you are writing dialogue between characters including information on body language is an enriching process and should stimulate the readers' imaginations. 

God Bless 

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