Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Poetry Thursday 77 - MoL42

 A deal of time is spent considering the meaning of our lives and reflecting on what we should or shouldn't do with our time on this earth. Is it possible that you have little or no influence in these areas and that we are of little relative consequence? 



The issue is raised periodically,

an answer is never forthcoming,

solving it is possible, theoretically,

is the solution a matter of winning?


Six weeks if counted in days,

Egyptian judges examining a soul,

Sun-Earth system ends in galactic years,

an Adams creation for us all.


Deep Thought’s response in 7.5 million years,

Marathon to Athens an identical numeral,

the total number of Tibetan rulers,

and column lines in the Gutenberg Bible.


Carroll used it in The Hunting of the Snark,

and for those feeling somewhat low,

not desirous of games or a lark,

the angle of light hitting water for a rainbow.


In reality MoL = 42 is Adam’s jest,

life is managing change with guile,

meeting death and strangers the best,

then, before you sleep look back on today and smile.

© David L Atkinson January 2025  

God Bless 


Monday, January 27, 2025

Writing - Spontaneity

 For those who don't like change you may not enjoy the suggestions in this blog. Some folk are so averse to change in their lives that they are quite vociferous in response to any suggestion of that nature. It actually amounts to a phobia in some cases when in fact it is a construct created by the mind to render the creator a sense of security. Hence the extreme reactions of some. However, even the most intransigent of folk allow occasional bursts of spontaneity. 

Spontaneity can actually enhance both the writing process and the quality of the work produced. If a writer becomes too formulaic in the works produced which may bore your readers. 

When I began writing my initial aim was to finish a book which I did. By the time I reached my fourth novel, I was ready to change. In the novels, I created a 'family' of central characters who worked together to help the main man, Patrick Steele, achieve his aims. But I was feeling that something had to change. There was one member of the team created around a very good friend who died prematurely, who provided me with the changes I was looking for at that time. 

What I did was simple and decisive. I killed him off. That action opened the door to introduce a new character who would support the widow and introduce computer technology into the stories. The simple spontaneous act of removing a character meant that emotions were running high and needed describing but also the change in the central team created opportunities to enrich their relationships. 

So from one minor character's demise created a deal of writing in depth that I felt enriched the quality of the final work.

God Bless 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Poetry Thursday 76 - LMF

 It seems to me that society has developed the strategy of blaming anything other than perpetrators for inappropriate actions and behaviours. While teaching it was not unusual to catch a child in the act of doing something wrong and yet be faced with a furious rebuttal of the action. Sometimes we need to hold up our hands and admit 'It was me!' 



It seems to me that there are more excuses,

for what we say and do in public,

our actions and unfortunate abuses,

must be the fault of influences cosmic.


Parental actions count for nothing,

society is the malevolent actor,

the cure must be carried out by teaching,

or by the overburdened doctor.


Perhaps the answer lies in time,

giving parents adequate funding,

to exercise this role sublime,

giving offspring strong grounding.


In time, alone we must learn to cope,

life will throw many curve balls,

alone we stand and live in hope,

that we can rise after the falls.

© David L Atkinson January 2025  

God Bless 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Writing - Reading

 Reading is a method for the brain to update its software. A slightly amusing dig at screen-addicted young folk. I've seen it in various forms on social media, but applied to writers and the advice becomes seriously significant. 

As with all skills, if you don't refresh and update regularly, it can make you stale. Reading a variety of material can refresh the writing muscle. I believe this works by considering style, story development and structure, voice, and many other aspects that can benefit the flavour of your writing. 

Not all of the reading experiences will be positive. It may be the case that you don't finish a book or article because you find the delivery unsuitable for you, the exercise of writing has made you a more discerning reader. The positive and negative reading experiences give a better view of your own writing. It can re-energise and improve the outcomes of your efforts. 

Range of books that I have read recently:- 

Odyssey - Stephen Fry 
The Last Devil to Die - Richard Osman 
On The Lookout - Kerry J Donovan 

I have read these books for entertainment as well as to broaden my experience. Before Christmas, I also read Christmas Carol by Dickens. It doesn't halt progress to go back to familiar works. So keep reading and your writing will continue to develop. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Poetry Thursday 75 - Mind Control

 The more the creative process is considered the greater the level of complexity plumbed. Although you can be creative and never wonder why. The poem 'Mind Control' is not about others controlling our minds but about how much control our minds have over us, in the realm of creativity. 

Mind Control


There’s nowt so queer as the human mind

it’ll take yer places yer nivver thowt you'd find

with companions possessing strange abilities,

passing to you developing facilities.


Breathing in watter so yer can swim wi’ dolphins,

 growing wings so yer can soar with avians,

readin’ minds ter identify yer foes,

healin’ hands to aid those with woes.


In the deep chill of the dark night,

the mind controls the path of your flight,

the conscious and moral compass stilled,

gives freedom to visit where it willed.


Pullin’ together events of the days,

intertwinin’ actions in unique ways,

the mind at the height of creativity,

beyond the comprehension of standard reality.


Enjoy the depth of the freedom given,

of earthly forces the mind is riven,

explore the created moments deeply,

safe in semi-conscious being, sleepily.

© David L Atkinson January 2025 

God Bless 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Writing - AI

 The government (UK) is to put effort into developing AI so that people will be freed from admin tasks and available to deliver services. 

AI has come a long way since the 70's film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Even then Hal sounded decidedly spooky. 

You can request poetry. 

From simple sums to complex art, 
A learning curve, a brand new chart. 
The data flows, a constant stream, 
Fueling dreams, it would seem. 

This is one verse of four that Gemini produced when asked to write a poem about AI. 

When prompted to write a children's story about a bear and a robin it came up with the following. 

Barnaby Bear was a grumpy bear. He lived in a cozy cave under a big oak tree, but he was always grumpy. He grumbled when the sun woke him up, he grumbled when the rain made puddles, and he especially grumbled when the birds chirped outside his cave.

One sunny morning, a little robin with a bright red breast landed on a branch right outside Barnaby’s cave. “Cheep! Cheep! Cheerio!” sang the robin, his voice full of joy.

“Grrrr,” grumbled Barnaby, pulling his furry blanket over his head. “Go away, bird! I’m trying to sleep!”

And there is much more. In fact, I must admit that it isn't bad at all. The question is not so much about admin but rather a moral one of whether writers should use AI as a crutch? 

I have no answers. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Poetry Thursday 74 - AYOANY

 So how are us boomers going to cope with the plethora of technological developments that will be thrown at us this year? 



Another year older another new year,

after more than three score years and ten,

beginning this one with a smidgin of fear,

coming from I don’t know when.

With the advent of each of these time slots,

the promise of a plethora of new technologies,

like an overdose of nerve trembling shots,

from the syringe of new ideologies.


Forty years ago mobiles cost thousands,

home computers were newly around,

now Alexa completes household errands,

Gemini on all topics will freely expound.


All about control in the end,

and as we advance in years,

the pace will drive us round the bend,

if we succumb to the rate of fears.

© David L Atkinson January 2025 

God Bless 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Writing - Mood

 Irrespective of what we are describing in our writing we have the capacity to control mood. I watched a spoof documentary over the holiday and was slightly disturbed when a couple of very intelligent people were obviously upset by the tone and questions of the presenter. This was plain to me as an observer by looking at the physical responses of the interviewees. 

Cunk on Life 2024 

If you look up 'body language' on Google there is a huge response with lots of attempts to provide coaching in how to interpret that phenomenon. The response below is an AI summary. 

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that uses physical actions to convey information, rather than wordsExamples of body language include: 
  • Facial expressionsThe human face is very expressive and can convey many emotions without speaking. 
  • PostureHow a person holds their body can convey how they are feeling and their personality. 
  • Eye contactEye contact is important in communication and can show that you are paying attention. 
  • GesturesSharp, angular gestures can be a sign of aggression. 
  • SpaceInvading someone's personal space can be a sign of aggression
Nothing particularly new in that but just to add that context is important. Some situations are made for observing types of physical responses to interviews. Watching a politician being interviewed on a difficult subject is quite eye-opening. It is a demonstration of avoidance, as they often do not like answering direct questions, their physical reactions are indicators of avoidance and telling untruths. 

When you are writing dialogue between characters including information on body language is an enriching process and should stimulate the readers' imaginations. 

God Bless 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Poetry Thursday 73 - Welcome 2025

 Health, wealth and prosperity for 2025. My dad always used the same toast on New Year's Day when meeting someone for the first time in the new year. Many people advise that we shouldn't look back and yet that would be denying all we've been taught and by those who gave us breath. It is good to plan ahead, but it is also good to build upon what we have already acquired. Logical really!! 

It’s Always New


Soon it will be a happy new year,

again advent just lead to Christmas,

we are warned with voices full of fear,

to live as if we're ageless.


Advised to change our behaviour,

to do so with renewed resolve,

the future will be our saviour,

looking forward all issues are solved.


But what of things we did yesterday,

lessons experience has taught,

loves and losses valued along the way,

satisfactions past life has brought.


Sure all the best for the future,

health, wealth and prosperity to all,

but as with a skillful footballer,

remember skills developed on the ball.

 © David L Atkinson January 2025 

God Bless 

Poetry Thursday 82 - Depths

  In this era of self-reflection, meditation and mindfulness, I wonder if we actually accrue the mental equipment necessary to protect ourse...